
The American Legion believes our American government can survive only with an educated populace. By teaching youth to understand and appreciate our democratic republic, America can remain strong and ensure our freedom for future generations. Each year, current high school juniors are provided an opportunity to develop leadership skills in a fast-paced, energetic program unlike any other that exists in our state!

This year, the GISD Superintendent, Mr. Figueroa, nominated Lyric Hargrove, Blake Collier, and Cade Duncan to the local American Legion Post to attend Texas Boys State. The American Legion Ashburn-Hanna Post 288, in partnership with Groesbeck ISD, approved the selection of these three outstanding juniors from Groesbeck High School to participate in this prestigious American Legion Boys State program in Austin this summer. The Chamber, American Legion Post #288, GISD and other donors are assisting in their expenses. Donations to support the boys' participation in Texas Boys State can be made to American Legion Post 288.

Next year, Mr. Figueroa will continue to nominate three outstanding juniors as representatives to attend Texas Boys State, and, in the 2024-2025 school year, he will begin nominating three outstanding ladies to attend Texas Girls State.