Welcome to the Enge-Washington Intermediate Library
Library Hours
8:00 – 3:00
Phone # 729-4103
Mrs. Melissa Menzel is our EWIS librarian. Our students love going to the library. Mrs. Menzel instills in our students her passion for reading. She demonstrates for students how to choose books and where to find reading levels in all genres. She also teaches a class during our specials rotations. Mrs. Menzel enjoys working with students and their families during our Scholastic Book Fair, which is held each November. Not only is Mrs. Menzel very active on our campus as librarian she also drives a school bus for GISD.

Click here to be taken to the Enge-Washington Intermediate Book Fair online.
Thank you for supporting EWIS!
Enge-Washington Intermediate School: Follett Destiny
Every day is a good day to read!