Last Names A-K
Phone: 254-729-4101
Welcome to the Groesbeck High School Counselor's Page!
Access the latest Course Catalog here!

Sarah Bush

Krystal Swinnea
CTE Coordinator
McKinney-Vento Liason
Last Names L-Z
Phone: 254-729-4101
Hello, Mrs. Swinnea and Mrs. Bush here! We are the GHS Counselors. While academic counseling and guidance is an important part of our role, we do so much more than just recommend which classes to take each year. We will play an essential role in guiding our students’ college and career decisions, and ensuring their social and emotional well-being.
This page will provide you with some information on how to contact us, how to request a transcript, how to view your 4 year plan (PGP), scholarship information, and much more!
If you have any additional comments or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We are assigned a specific case load of the alphabet, but we work together closely and are available to any student or parent in need of assistance.
Local Scholarships
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Scholarship - Due January 31st
Hilcorp Scholarship - Due February 14th
Texas Rural Education Association Scholarship - Due February 28th
Limestone County Retired School Personnel Scholarship - Due March 3rd
Application available in the scholarship bin
Falls County Farm Bureau - Due March 14th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Nucor Steel Scholarship - Due March 17th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Centex Citizens Credit Union Scholarship - Due March 21st
Application available in the scholarship bin
Groesbeck Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship - Due March 31st
Application available in the scholarship bin
Windsor Healthcare Scholarship - Due April 1st
Application available in the scholarship bin
Groesbeck Masonic Lodge - Due April 5th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Limestone County Area Go Texan - Due April 11th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Limestone County Area Go Texan Workforce Scholarship - Due April 11th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Jackie Levingston Memorial Scholarship - Due April 11th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Groesbeck Study Club Scholarship - Due April 11th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Big Ivan and Christy Jackson Ducks Unlimited Scholarship - Due April 14th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Groesbeck Lions Club Scholarship - Due April 14th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Allen 4 Heroes Scholarship - Due April 15th
Application available in the scholarship bin
I Will Sit With You In The Dark Scholarship - Due April 15th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Farm Mutual Protective Association (RVOS)- Due April 18th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Kirby Hyden American Legion Scholarship - Due April 21st
Application available in the scholarship bin
Kosse Community Center Scholarship - Due April 24th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Must be able to do the 4 hours of community service listed
Navasota Valley Electric Coop - Due April 30th
Application available in the scholarship bin
Navasota Valley Electric customers only
Walker Strong Annual Scholarship - Due May 1st
Application available in the scholarship bin
State & Nation Wide Scholarships
The Scholarship Lady of Central Texas Scholarship List 2024-25
Additional nationwide scholarships can be found and applied for on Go Merry
Texas Farm Bureau Scholarship - Due March 3rd
Application is available online. Click here.
Horatio Alger Scholarship - Due March 1st
Click here
Masonic Children and Family Services of Texas - Due April 30th
Application available here
Eugene McCray Scholarship - Due May 1st
The Eugene McCray Scholarship Committee (EMSC), composed of TABCCM members, awards at least 12 scholarships totaling at least $25,000 annually to African-American high school graduates and/or college undergraduates. The scholarship may be used for tuition or fees and must be used by May of the following school year. Coach McGruder can write the recommendation. Click here to apply.