
Welcome to the GHS Speech and Debate Online Classroom!

We will be using this online classroom as our platform to stay updated on what is going on in debate. Along the left side, you should see links to the specific fields of speech and debate, calendars of events, and other pertinent links. We are starting a new debate club this year as well!

Feel free to explore this site. If you have any questions or comments, I encourage you to email me! I look forward to an exciting and competitive new year in debate!

Things to know

Students should try to sign up for the Independent Studies class with Mrs. Settlemyer. This class counts as an honors credit. Students are expected to follow specific guidelines. A copy of these guidelines will be handed to students the first week. Students who do not follow the guidelines, or who have behavior problems arise in class, will be taken out of the independent study class. Materials needed: 1 college ruled composition book. These will be our debate journals used for keeping track of personal goals and achievements as well as ballot summaries and self evaluations. Attire: Students are expected to dress professionally at tournaments. Young men should wear black slacks, solid dress shirts, a nice tie, along with black belt and dress shoes. A vest and/or suit jacket would be ideal, but not mandatory. Young ladies should dress business classy. A nice blouse or button down shirt with a dark skirt or ladies slacks. Simple hair, jewelry, and make up would be appropriate. No bright or flashy colors, no bling, no wild hair, and nothing too tight or revealing. I am going to do my best to get some fundraisers going to help with providing simple outfits, but until then...we'll just have to make do with what we have.

Desirae Settlemyer

Desirae Settlemyer

Art and Professional Communications Teacher
Email Desirae Settlemyer
Classroom Number: 410