Next week is Red Ribbon Week! We will focus on educating our students and encouraging them to participate in drug prevention activities.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Bush
The Lady Goats would like to say thank you to everyone that attended last nights Senior Night. The volleyball game against Teague has been rescheduled for Thursday 10/19 @ 5pm. All tickets purchased Tuesday night will be honored at the door Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Zoei Elam
Game vs Teague
Superintendent Newsletter: Oct. 23 Edition *We hope to see you at the Parent University session tonight!!
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
We hope that you'll join us for the next Parent University at H.O. Whitehurst on Oct. 18 from 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm. This event is for all GISD parents (Pre-K through 12th) and will focus on mental health, depression, self-harm, and self-awareness. Thank you - GISD Adminstration
over 1 year ago, Sarah Bush
Report Cards are now live in the Ascender Parent Portal
over 1 year ago, Krystal Swinnea
Report Cards
Please join the Senior Class for the Senior Bonfire October 26th at 8:00 PM #GoBigRed
over 1 year ago, Krystal Swinnea
BIG GAME TONIGHT!!!! Come support your Lady Goats as they battle Fairfield for the #1 Spot. Also, its PINK OUT in support of Breast Cancer and Cancer Awareness. See you there! Varsity @ 4:30PM JV @ 5:30PM
over 1 year ago, Gage Moore
Groesbeck Goats vs. Fairfield Eagles football game is livestreaming tonight at 7:00 p.m. The game starts at 7:30 p.m. Click on the following YouTube link: or search Groesbeck ISD on YouTube.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
GHS students did a great job dancing at the Hispanic Heritage Celebration tonight! Thank you to Mrs Lopez and Mrs Rodriguez for all your hard work!
over 1 year ago, Holly Black
GREAT JOB 9th Grade on your 97% Attendance today! It's COOL to go to school!
over 1 year ago, Holly Black
Groesbeck Goats vs. Fairfield Eagles Friday Night Football Livestream, October 13. The livestream will start at 7:00 p.m. and the game starts at 7:30 p.m. Visit or find us on YouTube.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
football helmets
Reminder to join us tomorrow from 5:30- 7:30 p.m. at Enge-W Interm. as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Bring your favorite Hispanic dish. We will also have live entertainment, pinatas, arts and crafts. You can still purchase Cabras t-shirts at Diamonds & Dust (open until 5:30pm today and open tomorrow).
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
In celebrating Texas Education Human Resources Day today, we recognize Deana Rand for all her hard work and a special thank you for her dedication to the school district.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
lady in purple shirt
Congratulations to GHS Volleyball for their win over Buffalo!
over 1 year ago, Holly Black
October is Principal Appreciation Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the important work that principals do. Thank you Curry, Bomar, Young, and Ditmore!
over 1 year ago, Anthony Figueroa
FEMA Nationwide Emergency Alert Test FEMA has announced that it will be conducting a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023 at approximately 1:20 p.m. central time. This testing is not affiliated with any Groesbeck ISD emergency testing. For more information about the FEMA Nationwide Emergency Testing, visit the FEMA website here
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar
Join us on October 12th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Enge-Washington Intermediate School as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! Bring your favorite Hispanic dish/dessert/drink. We will also have live entertainment, pinatas, arts and crafts.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Battrick
purple festive
cabras goats
National Custodian Appreciation Day, a day set aside to recognize the hard work of all the GHS Custodians who keep our school and facilities clean. We appreciate you and thank you for all you do everyday!
over 1 year ago, Holly Black
This week we have been raising awareness about childhood cancer with our Go Gold Campaign. Today we honored a very special young lady on our campus that we all have grown to love and respect. Miss Ally Moss is a survivor with an inspirational story of strength and courage. Mrs. Staggs helped raise funds and was able to award Ally with a scholarship to pursue her career and chase her dreams. Congratulations Ally!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Bush
The GHS Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will be hosting their annual "See You at the Pole" gathering tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27 at 7:00AM in front of Groesbeck High School. Please come join us!
over 1 year ago, Bonnie Bomar