Parent & Family Involvement
There are several district and campus committees that involve input from parents, community members, business owners, etc. Some of these committees include, but are not limited to District Improvement Team,
Campus Improvement Team, Oversight Committee, and Bond Committee.
If you would like to serve on a campus committee or volunteer on one of the campuses, please contact the campus.
Groesbeck High School (254) 729-4101
Groesbeck Middle School (254) 729-4102
Enge-Washington Intermediate (254) 729-4103
H. O. Whitehurst School (254) 729-4104
If you would like to serve on a district committee, please contact Cindy Ensminger at (254) 729-4139 or Deana Rand at (254) 729-4198.
GISD Parent Involvement Policy

View the ESC Region 16’s The Parent & Family Engagement CONNECTION newsletters. The newsletters are part of Title I, Part A, Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative.
These articles give advice on topics ranging from volunteering and more to help with their child’s success.