Kelly Grady TOTM

The GHS January Teacher of the Month is Mrs.  Kelly Grady. She teaches English 3 and is in her 19th year of teaching English. She has taught a little bit of everything from 5th to 12th grade English. She has also coached for the majority of her career, only taking time away from the court or field while my own children were young.  

She says "My mother, Fran Singleton, was a coach and counselor for many years, teaching me that teaching and coaching was a calling. I had so many wonderful teachers during my educational career, but I give all the credit for my love of English and Reading to Robert DeLong who was my Senior English teacher at Crandall High School. His love for the classroom and his determination to drive me towards my own teaching career was apparent every time that I talked to him. My mom is the reason I pursued a career in coaching. She loved stepping onto the field during softball season. She taught me so much about, not only the game, but also about teaching life lessons through the game. This aspect of coaching is probably my favorite and most rewarding."

Mrs. Grady loves her students and is very family centric. She says "I have a wonderful family at home that inspires me to be better. It is because of their dedication that I was able to come back to the classroom this year. My husband, Colby Grady, and I own our own business and in 2019, after COVID-19, I stepped away from the classroom to help him manage our business. After 3 years out of the classroom, I was getting a bit antsy. He sent me back and encouraged me to apply at Groesbeck, and I am so thankful for that. Colby and I have two beautiful daughters, Terryn is 16 and Carly is 14." 

Her hobbies include anything that involves horses, rodeo, and cheering her girls on in the rodeo arena. They travel all over the country allowing her girls to fulfill their dreams of rodeoing. Her future goals are "to chase my girls down the road as they pursue their dreams of becoming WPRA barrel racers and one day running at the NFR.  Until then, I will enjoy the road that we travel."