ATPE wants YOU!!

Attention Teachers! Librarians! Coaches! Nurses! Counselors! Aides!


We would like to encourage you to consider joining ATPE if you don’t have liability insurance. Eligible members are covered with professional liability insurance per insured member.  ATPE also provides services, discounts, local representatives, and lobbyists that work with policymakers in Austin and DC to support legislation that protects educators and students. Also, ATPE’s Professional Learning Portal allows you to manage and earn CPE credits on your own time.  

Dues can be paid by money order, check, credit card (one-time payment or monthly installments), bank draft, or payroll deduction. (Payroll deduction must be submitted by Sept. 10 to the business office).

To apply online or for more information, visit ATPE

Check at your campus office for Campus Representative contact. 

Have a Great School Year!!!!