Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is a related service provided by therapists who are licensed by the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners. Occupational Therapy may be provided to a qualified special education student, who may need additional support to engage in meaningful and purposeful daily school "occupations" in order to benefit from his or her special education program and be successful in the educational setting.

Occupational Therapy services address performance within an educational context, including classroom lessons and activities, self-help, pre-vocational and vocational activities, play and leisure, and social skills. Outcomes are directed toward improved participation in the educational curriculum, access to the school environment, and participation in extra curricular activities. Occupational Therapy services may be indicated when a student has challenges or a special need in one or more of the following areas that impact his/her ability to function, participate, and be successful in the educational setting;

Occupational Therapy Staff

Deborah Adkins


Leslie Black
